Immersion in the Sacred Valley


1289 €


from April to November

Mejor temporada

3800 meters

Altura Maxima

This stay includes an in-depth discovery of the know-how of artisans from central and southern Peru. As you follow the course of the Urubamba, the symbolic river of the Sacred Valley, you will immerse yourself in the daily life of Peruvian families and mingle with the soul of the Andean Sierra.


Day 1

Welcome at Lima airport by Javier your private driver. He will escort you to your guesthouse in the modern district of Miraflores.

Day 2

09:00: Accompanied by Javier, Liliane will pick you up at Domitila. The visit will take place in the historic centre of the colonial capital of Peru, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. During a three-hour guided tour you will admire the Place des Armes, the Peruvian Government Palace, the different colonial houses, the surprising Chinatown but you will also taste delicious fruits from the large market where you will discover a multitude of unknown varieties.

12:00: Free time to walk around the centre of Lima.

13:00: Zélia will invite you to a typical restaurant in the city centre to present you the details of your trip.

In the afternoon, according to your wishes, you can explore more in the city centre or the districts of Barranco, Miraflores or Pueblo Libre.

Day 3

Free morning in Miraflores or another neighborhood according to your wishes.

Lunch on your own.

2:00 p.m.: (time to be confirmed depending on the flight) Javier will pick you up and take you to the Lima airport. From there you will take a plane to Cusco, a city considered “the navel of the world” by the Incas.

Upon arrival in Cusco, Willy, your driver, will take care of your private transportation from the airport to your guest room where you will be welcomed by Mayhuac and Féliciano.

7:00 p.m.: dinner and overnight at Casa de Felcie

Day 4

09:00: Start of the Solidarity visit to the “Hijos de los Apus” association, which works for the education of children from the poor heights of Cusco. Feliciano, your host, is the founder of this organization, and will be happy to accompany you. Eager to show you Peru as he lives it, you will take public transportation to reach the top of the hill. Upon arriving at Alto Qosco, you will share unforgettable moments with the children of the association, such as soccer games, painting, drawing, dancing, singing, while enjoying the impressive view you will have over the city of Cusco.

12:00 pm: you will share lunch with the children (the price paid for this activity goes entirely to this charity project for the purchase of educational material and also for the food that is eaten with the children that day)

2:00 pm: you will return to the city center by public transport

3:30 pm: once you reach the city center, always accompanied by Feliciano, you will begin the cultural tour of the city of Cusco. You will see the Koricancha, a monastery built on an Inca temple, then you will see the art of the colonial era in the decorations and paintings of the city cathedral while you walk through the narrow streets of the city.

6:30 pm: end of the tour and return to your guest room where Felcie will be waiting for you with a homemade meal prepared in your honor.

Day 5

7:00 am: Departure from your room with Féliciano and Willy. You will begin by visiting the four ruins of Sacayhuaman, Quenko, Pukapukara and Tambomachay that dominate Cusco. You will continue the adventure to discover the Sacred Valley. Visit the site of Awanacancha where you will see a conservation center for the different animals of the Andes region, then the artisan market of Pisaq as well as the ruins of the Inca era where you will explore the terraces, paths and remains of houses.

12:00 pm: Arrival at Casa El Paraiso where your hosts Yolanda and Hilario will welcome you.

1:00 pm: Lunch (own expense) in the village of Urubamba. You will have the afternoon to settle into your room and visit the house artistically decorated by Yolanda. You will also get some fresh air in the garden followed by a large vegetable garden. Hilario, an expert on the subject, will explain to you the different fruits and aromatic herbs that he grows daily.

7:00 pm: Dinner with your host.

Day 6

During this day you will participate in an activity accompanied by Yolanda, passionate about the Andean worldview.

9:00 am: departure in private transport with Yolanda to go to Pumawanka (15-minute ride). Guided visit to a fish farm. Yolanda will explain the process of trout breeding from egg to adulthood, then its preparation and marketing.

9:45 am: start of the hike in the heights of Pumawanka where you will enjoy magnificent landscapes. You will discover pre-Inca archaeological sites such as Qoriwayrachina and Pumawanka.

Yolanda will offer you drinks, and she will never run out of explanations of the places thanks to her myths, legends, tales of the region, etc.

12:00 p.m.: from Qoriwayrachina you will have an hour's walk to reach a very large waterfall with extremely clear water. If you wish, you can fish in the river.

Return to Qoriwayrachina to prepare and enjoy lunch based on fish and cooked over a wood fire.

16:00 hours: return to the car and then fifteen minutes of transport to return home.

19:00 hours: dinner at the Casa

Day 7

08:00: After breakfast, with Yolanda you will visit essential sites of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, very important for Inca agriculture and architecture. You will have the pleasure of discovering the sites of the weaving village of Chinchero, the impressive Maras salt mines managed by the families of the community, as well as the ancient Inca agricultural experimentation center of Moray.

12:00 p.m.: Lunch on your own

2:00 p.m.: Visit to the fortress of Ollantaytambo built during the period of the Inca Pachacutéc and which was the scene of fierce battles between the Incas and the colonists.

18:00 hours: End of the visit and return home

Dinner and overnight at Casa El Paraiso.

Day 8

Day dedicated to visiting a weaving community as well as the ruins of Ancasmarca.

8:00 am: Departure by private transport to the ruins of Ancasmarca (one hour drive in the heart of the Sacred Valley). Yolanda will explain the entire history of this place. She will offer you a mid-morning snack. You will have time to walk around the ruins.

11:30 am: End of the visit and departure to the community of Pampallacta (thirty minute drive). Welcomed by people from the community and accompanied by Yolanda, you will visit the town, the school, the weavers, the families, etc. You will meet Valentin, one of the community leaders. Thanks to the craft market, you will discover the work of the weavers and have the opportunity to buy local souvenirs.

1:00 pm: Return to Calca for lunch on your own. Along the way you will have the opportunity to stop at the Machacancha hot springs (optional)

3:00 p.m.: Visit to the Inkari museum, which features life-size statues illustrating the customs and traditions of Cusco and different regions of the country.

5:30 p.m.: Return home

Dinner and overnight at Casa El Paraiso.

Day 9

You will have the morning free to walk around the town of Urubamba and you will be able to have lunch (on your own)

2:00 p.m.: You will travel to Ollantaytambo by private transport.

16:30 hours: You will take the train that will take you to the town of Aguas Calientes, at the foot of Machu Picchu. The comfortable carriages will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape through large panoramic windows. A true spectacle of nature awaits you.

18:00 hours: Arrival in the town of Aguas Calientes. Your hotel staff will be waiting for you at the train station to take you to the door of your room. Free dinner.

Day 10

05:00: Feliciano will pick you up from your hotel to accompany you to the public bus that will take you to the entrance gate of Machu Picchu (twenty-minute trip). The departure will be early in the morning to avoid queues, arrive when the site opens and see the sunrise.

6:00 a.m.: Entrance to the citadel of Machu Picchu and visit with Feliciano, a true enthusiast of the Inca culture. Get ready to discover the stories and legends of this mystical place. Located at 2,400 meters above sea level on the top of a hill overlooking the sacred valley, you will be captivated by the almost unreal spectacle of this ancient Inca city that unites the Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu mountains. You will have free time to walk around this energetic site.

11:30 a.m.: Return by bus to Aguas Calientes after having fully enjoyed Machu Picchu. Free lunch before collecting your belongings at the hotel.

14:30 hrs: return by train from Aguas Calientes station to Ollantaytambo station.

16:00 hrs: arrival in Ollantaytambo where Willy will be waiting to accompany you in private transport to Cusco.

18:00 hrs: arrival at your room at Mayhuac Wasin. You will have one last night in Cusco to experience the nightlife of this magnificent capital of the Inca empire, which is full of architectural and cultural wonders.

Overnight and dinner at Casa de Felcie.

Day 11

Free morning and lunch.

2:00 p.m.: Willy will pick you up to take you to the Cusco airport.

4:00 p.m.: You will take the plane to return to the capital.

5:30 p.m.: Javier will meet you at the Lima airport to take you to your guest room at Casa de Dina y Klaus.

Free dinner in the Miraflores district.

Day 12

You will be able to make your last purchases of handicrafts and other souvenirs from Peru.

Javier will pick you up at Casa de Dina and Klaus depending on the time of your flight back to France (four hours before your flight departs, Javier will be waiting for you).

What does it include?

Flights and internal transport
Accommodation and breakfast in a hotel or local.
Entrance fees to places visited
A local French-speaking guide

What is not included?

Travel insurance
International airline tickets
Tips, souvenirs


Extra Money

The Strong Points Of The Circuit

  • Visit to Lima, a UNESCO World Heritage city with a private guide
  • Solidarity visit to an association led by your hosts, which helps the children of a village
  • 6 days immersed in the history of the Incas discovering the archaeological sites of the Sacred Valley and Cusco through the passionate comments of your hosts
  • In the company of your hosts, discovery of a fish farm and fish tasting
  • Discovery day in a community of weavers
  • Unusual visit to Machu Picchu with your host who knows its legends and secrets



Per person

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